Recent Blog

I think we can all relate to the wisemen. To wonder, to search, to seek. This is part of our nature. In some way or another I think we’ve all set out in search of an unknown God.
The journey is long. How we travel matters.
Do we burden ourselves with expectations? Do we pack doubt? Do we bother with boxes that we insist the object of our quest must fit into?

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    Looking for a church that feels like home?


    We heartily welcome you to the First Church of God as our guest. It is our prayer that you will experience the warmth of this Christian fellowship and the love of God’s presence today. It is our desire to be of service to you and your family.

    Red Bluff First Church of God exists: To bring people to life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ; to equip them with God’s Words; to exalt God with their lives; to love one another, and to experience a Life with true purpose.

Service & Meeting Times

•Adult Sunday School,
•Sunday Morning Service
   Baby nursery available.
•Children’s Church, children dismissed to the basement following worship.
•Evening Prayer Meeting, 6:00pm
•Well-Watered Women Gatherings, noon-3:00pm
   3rd Sunday of each month

All-Church Bible Study, 6:30-8:00pm
  No summer study

Bible Study & Fellowship, 6:30pm
•Youth Group~6:30-8:00pm
   Jr. High & High School youth meet in the basement

•Ladies Bible Study, 9:30-11:30am
   Summer Study begins 6/13-Glimpses of God revealed through His names 

•Men’s Bibles, Breakfast and, Blacksmithing, 9:00am
   Second Saturday of each month. Call the Church for location

•O.K’s Lunch/Gathering, noon 
   Second Saturday of each month.

Up Coming Events



O.K’s Activities


Ruth & Naomi- meets on the third Thursday of each month, 6:00-8:00pm
Women of all ages meeting together to fellowship, strengthening the bond of friendship with Christian sisters.
We share a meal, testimonies, and our God-given gifts with each other including crafts, games, and other activities.
We learn from people & stories in the Bible, how they are relevant to us, and how we can apply their lessons as
guidance to our lives today.