Recent Blog
Service & Meeting Times
•Adult Sunday School, 9:00am
•Sunday Morning Service,10:00am
Baby nursery available.
•Children’s Church, children dismissed to the basement following worship.
•Evening Prayer Meeting, 6:00pm
•Well-Watered Women Gatherings, noon-3:00pm
3rd Sunday of each month
• All-Church Bible Study, 6:30-8:00pm
No summer study
• Bible Study & Fellowship, 6:30pm
•Youth Group~6:30-8:00pm
Jr. High & High School youth meet in the basement
•Ladies Bible Study, 9:30-11:30am
Summer Study begins 6/13-Glimpses of God revealed through His names
•Men’s Bibles, Breakfast and, Blacksmithing, 9:00am
Second Saturday of each month. Call the Church for location
•O.K’s Lunch/Gathering, noon
Second Saturday of each month.
Up Coming Events
O.K’s Activities
Ruth & Naomi- meets on the third Thursday of each month, 6:00-8:00pm
Women of all ages meeting together to fellowship, strengthening the bond of friendship with Christian sisters.
We share a meal, testimonies, and our God-given gifts with each other including crafts, games, and other activities.
We learn from people & stories in the Bible, how they are relevant to us, and how we can apply their lessons as
guidance to our lives today.