Service Times
Sunday Worship Services
10:00 am
Baby nursery available.
Children’s Church
Kids ages 4 – 6th grade are dismissed to
go downstairs before the message.
Adult Church Sunday School
Sunday, 9:00 a.m.
Jr. & Sr. High Youth Groups
Not meeting at this time.
Women’s Life & All-Church Study
Monday, 6:30-8 p.m.
Women’s Life
Thursday, 10 a.m.-Noon
Mid-week Service
Not meeting at this time.
Up Coming Events
“The Measure of A Man” by Gene A. Getz
To be announced.
Blood Drive
For an appointment, go to and enter Blood Drive Code SMFR409 or call Vitalant at 530-243-0160
Masks are required
Please bring a photo ID.
Please eat well and drink plenty of water prior to donating.
O.K’s Activities
Ruth & Naomi
Women of all ages meeting together to fellowship, strengthening the bond of friendship with Christian sisters.
We share a meal, testimonies, and our God-given gifts with each other including crafts, games, and other activities.
We learn from people & stories in the Bible, how they are relevant to us, and how we can apply their lessons as
guidance to our lives today.