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Matthew chapter one verse 18 begins with these words. “This is how the birth of Jesus came about:”




Looking for 

We heartily welcome you to the First Church of God as our guest. It is our prayer that you will experience the warmth of this Christian fellowship and the love of God’s presence today. It is our desire to be of service to you and your family.

Red Bluff First Church of God exists: To bring people to life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ; to equip them with God’s Words; to exalt God with their lives; to love one another, and to experience a Life with true purpose.

  •  church that feels like home?

Service Times

Sunday Worship Services
10:00 am
Baby nursery available.

Children’s Church
Kids ages 4 – 6th grade are dismissed to
go downstairs before the message.

Adult Church Sunday School

Sunday, 9:00 a.m.

Jr. & Sr. High Youth Groups
Not meeting at this time.

Women’s Life & All-Church Study
Monday, 6:30-8 p.m.

Women’s Life
Thursday, 10 a.m.-Noon


Mid-week Service

Not meeting at this time.

Up Coming Events

“The Measure of A Man” by Gene A. Getz
To be announced.


Blood Drive
For an appointment, go to and enter Blood Drive Code SMFR409 or call Vitalant at 530-243-0160
Masks are required
Please bring a photo ID.
Please eat well and drink plenty of water prior to donating.


O.K’s Activities


Ruth & Naomi
Women of all ages meeting together to fellowship, strengthening the bond of friendship with Christian sisters.
We share a meal, testimonies, and our God-given gifts with each other including crafts, games, and other activities.
We learn from people & stories in the Bible, how they are relevant to us, and how we can apply their lessons as
guidance to our lives today.